Thursday, December 16, 2010

Most at Christmas Time

This year we opted for the fake tree a friend offered to loan us rather than try to fit a real tree in here again. It's just a 4 footer, but perfect for our space.  I was happy because earlier (totally can't remember brain!) I was able to get my ornaments from my house to have with us now.  These ornaments are special to me because the majority of them are from my grandparents that have now been gone since 2002 and 2003.  Each year for Christmas, they would give their 17 grandchildren an ornament, usually with our name or the year on it.  Many of these ornaments were handmade, either crocheted, wood carved, sewn or some other handiwork.  As I put the ornaments on the tree one by one after closely analyzing each one and  letting my mind wander back to memories with Grandma Jean and Grandpa Willis, I started to miss them deeper than I have before or at least in a while.  I'm not sure if it is because I would love for them to meet my sweet boys or what, but man I had to choke back the tears.  

My grandparents both grew up in ID during hard times.  My grandpa's mom died days after giving birth to his sister...he was only 2. He was raised by his 4 older brothers and 2 older sisters and father on their farm.   He grew up to be a teacher, principal, and finally a professor at MSU Bozeman.  My grandma's mother came from England and grew up very proper yet in humble circumstances as well.  Great-Grandpa Stan lost the farm during the Great Depressions and honestly I'm not sure what they did to get through.  She lost her brother that was about 1 younger than her when she was 12 to appendicitis.  She was a stay-at-home mom and taught her children how to cook, sew, play piano, and to be great parents. 
They were high school sweethearts.  

 I remember going to stay at their house by myself a couple of times, and those memories are sweet.  They loved to play games, and tell stories.  Grandma would always hum a tune while doing the dishes and cleaning up.  Grandpa always had a toothpick in his mouth and had a story to tell.  They were both really patient in teaching us card games. Grandpa would show tricks with his body: acting like he blew up his bicep while flexing it.  He was an avid fisherman.  Grandma got really good at Freecell, recording the number of the games that she won.  I remember her smell, Avon face lotion that was in a turquoise container. She would let me sit on her lap and we would put our noses together, and tell each other how many eyes we saw.  She would play along as I hugged her from behind while she did the dishes, acting as if she didn't know who it was.  
My grandpa passed away after 6 years of congestive heart failure.  That was really hard although we were mentally prepared.  Grandma died after a week of knowing she had leukemia (the kind children get).  She made it back to him in time for their anniversary.  I was able to be there in Bozeman that last week, and when I said goodbye and told her that I loved her, she still wasn't able to say that she loved me.  That was something that was hard for them to say.  But I know that she loved me, because for all those years, her actions said it.  

The song from Mariah Carey "Miss You Most (At Christmas Time)" came into my head while putting the ornaments on the tree.  Those words really had a deeper meaning to me than they have before.  I like to think that they still share Christmases with us in spirit each year.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Not Much Yet It's So Good

Hi there!  So life at home has been great, yet I don't have much to report.  In the past, I would share (not necessarily on the blog) funny stories from school, coworkers, from my students, or from adventures that Andrew had.  I still have things to share (of course) but now they are stories of sleep patterns, diaper blowouts, slobber, smiles, and other new baby skills.  I still am amazed at the love that we feel for Drew. It's just amazing that we can love someone so much after being pooped on, spit up on, and being cried at. It's so great to be home with him and to feel of his love now, as he snuggles, smiles, and giggles (sometimes).  So when people ask what I've been up to, I always think, "not much, yet it's so good."

Drew really does smile, but I just can't catch it on camera without having it be blurry.  

 Classic sleep position

Saturday, October 23, 2010


Our attempt at trying to be artistic with our family photos.  Jamen took them and did a great job.  Drew was quite the sport!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Family Photo

My friend, Debbie, offered to do a photo shot with Drew and us.  We loved the pictures and Drew was such a good boy for her.  Drew is growing like a weed and beginning to stretch out his naps and night time sleep, which is great!  Life is great and we are happy!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


I am loving being home and taking care of Drew and the house!  He's growing and changing, which is so fun to see.  He is smiling more, cooing more, and he has grown out of some 0-3 months clothes already...depending on the brand of course. He is still the sweet boy that we brought home. :)  Andrew and I have felt the blessing of having Drew in our lives. 

Cute outfit from Great Grandma Quinn
Curly when wet!

One Month Old

Sporting the Skateboarding Onsie
Cute boy!

3 month outfit...growing growing! 

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Real Life Has Begun

Andrew started school this week, so now I feel like I've started "real life" as a stay-at-home mom.  I love it.  Of course I would love more sleep too, but I am able to sometimes get naps here and there when I make myself.  Drew has been such a good baby.  He eats great, sleeps great, and is so fun and mellow when he is awake.  He is growing, growing.  Today he actually smiled after shaking an obnoxious toy and using that silly high voice that we all do. :)  My goal is to just enjoy each stage, but I am excited for when he will react more to us.  I can't resist taking pictures of him so here are some more.  

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Mr. Handsome!

My friend, Debbie, came to take pictures of Drew here in our house.  
She did a great job!  He looks SO handsome!

Notice the part! :)  

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Our Little Family

Drew Maxwell Long joined our family at 10:22 p.m. Friday, August 13th.  He weighed 7lbs. 10oz. and was 20.5 in. long.  Traits that the doctors and nurses first noticed were his lips, big hands and feet.  Also, he has such a mellow personality.  Life really has been "easy" with him so far.  We had to stay in the hospital for a week so he could receive some antibiotics.  The first week of life was rough since we spent it in the hospital, however, I was able to glean A LOT from sitting and talking with the nurses. We are grateful to have him home with us...we just love him so much!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


To finish up our adventures in WA...we went on a steam engine train ride
 up to a beautiful lake near Mt. Rainier. 

 We went to the zoo, and saw Cirque Du Soliel in Seattle.  One weekend we went to my house in MT for our Homecoming.  In our small town this happens every 5 years, during the summer, and it's mainly for the alumi of Big Sandy High School.  

 This was my dad's class float!  

Prego sisters.  Holly had her baby the following week.  

We've been back in UT for about 3 weeks and have been busy organizing our home to get ready to welcome our little guy.  It has been fun to be in this mode of retirement again.  We aren't too sure when or if it will happen again for many years.  We spend our time reading, cooking, shooting guns, going to garage sales, going to plays, cleaning, and waiting, waiting, waiting for Baby Long to come.  I'm trying to keep perspective that there really isn't much time left, and that he has to come out SOME time. My due date is this weekend, but I was told last Wed, by the doc., that i could go anytime.  I think that that is one reason whey I've been so impatient the last little bit.  We'll make sure to update the blog when there is more exciting news...I'm crossing my fingers for tomorrow. :)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Catching Up

So now that I have time to do absolutely nothing, I'll post some pictures from before and during our WA excursion. Andrew had this iron-on thing and we decided to make some dope onsies for our babe. He's destined to be a his dad!

Andrew's thinking about his skater kid.

Andrew left May 3rd for WA and I stayed in Springville to finish teaching. That was the longest we had been apart and it was nice to be reunited Memorial Day weekend.

He was quite inventive while away. We have been looking for a Zune armband for him for a long time. He decided to make his own, out of duct tape. :)

On Memorial Day, we went for a walk down by the capitol building. I wasn't trying to hide my belly, but you can't really tell how big I really am. It also depends on what I'm wearing.

It was windy...obviously.
The next weekend we went up north to visit my sister and her family. My mom and my brother were also there visiting.

Smores anyone?

Posing in Penny's new house and outside her old one.

The Highlander Games were taking place in Ferndale! Good times
Penny and Evan. Mom and Adam in the back.
Cute little Garin!
"What does she do all day while Andrew's at work?" you may be asking. I nap, go on walks, read my scriptures, and John Grisham (currently), and go window shopping or real shopping when I when I have the car.
These are pictures from my walks.

A shot by the community college. I'd say that looks almost fake, which means nice picture!!!

So I saw this sign and it caught my attention...
This must be different than a speed bump.


Andrew went on a drive and found a house that is now a museum and was at one time Bing Crosby's grandparents house....that's old.

The Crosbys weren't home...sad!

We found a cool path to walk on. It's just so green and luscious here.


The poor, little, yellow ducky was caught.