Thursday, September 2, 2010

Real Life Has Begun

Andrew started school this week, so now I feel like I've started "real life" as a stay-at-home mom.  I love it.  Of course I would love more sleep too, but I am able to sometimes get naps here and there when I make myself.  Drew has been such a good baby.  He eats great, sleeps great, and is so fun and mellow when he is awake.  He is growing, growing.  Today he actually smiled after shaking an obnoxious toy and using that silly high voice that we all do. :)  My goal is to just enjoy each stage, but I am excited for when he will react more to us.  I can't resist taking pictures of him so here are some more.  


  1. I can't believe how much he's grown! Holy cow!

  2. Those big lips are to die for! What a little cutie you have Bridge! Can't wait to see him again and to hold the little guy....


  3. He seems to be growing so fast! I love his mouth! You sound so happy! :D
