Thursday, March 25, 2010

Baby Boy

Today was a really fun day! During my lunch break Andrew and I went to our 20 week ultrasound appt. The ultrasound was SO cool! I loved seeing the body and the ultrasonographer going over measurement and helping us understand the "salt and pepper" fight on the screen. :) We were very excited when we found out that we will be having a healthy baby boy in Aug. He actually is measuring a week big so we'll see when he ends up coming. Anyway, just want to share with you...I"ll have to scan in some pictures of the ultrasound...they aren't too becoming but just cool. :)


  1. SO so happy for you guys! Woo hoo!! And I am so glad that you aren't feeling so sick anymore...poor you!!! I think you are absolutely adorably cute pregnant, and am so glad I get to watch you 'grow' through these last few months of school! :)
