Saturday, January 25, 2014

2014 Thus Far

So the weeks leading up to Austin's birth DID NOT go as planned.  The day after Christmas, Brynn had a fever that was quite high and it would come and go for about 3 days.  Great. New Year's Day, Drew's voice started sounding funny and by dinner he looked like he did NOT feel well.  The next day my voice did the same thing and I started following suit.  Well, all of us ended up with whatever this was (I'm thinking the flu), but it hit me the WORST!!  Oh man.  I haven't been this sick since...ever.  Totally wiped of energy, a cough that was a killer, and a sore throat.  I know that list isn't long but don't forget the whole 9 months pregnant thing too. Oh man, one night I got about 2 hours of sleep I was coughing so much and so hard.  Anyway, after two weeks I was finally on the mend, finally got on some antibiotics, but I am STILL dealing with a lingering cough and the kids and Andrew are still going in and out of runny noses and not feeling 100%.
So my plans of frozen crock pot meals that I was going to prepare for, rearranging and reorganizing things to prepare for the baby just didn't happen until my mom got back in town the week or so before Austin was born.  Anyway, I feel like I have had SO MUCH help from family and friends this whole month.  I had meals brought to us while being sick and then now after the baby.  One sister came and cleaned house for me for a morning while I was sick...SO nice especially since she is the busiest person I know.
So thus far, the year has not gone as planned except I did plan on having a baby this month...check. :)

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